We offer telehealth and video conferencing to patients.

Medical Nutrition Therapy Services

Providing Medical Nutrition Therapy for

  • Weight Management
  • Diabetes
  • High Cholesterol
  • Eating Disorder
  • Immune health
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Pediatric Concerns
  • Oncology
  • Prenatal care
  • Sports nutrition
  • SIBO
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Celiac Disease
  • Renal Complications
  • Pre & Post Bariatric Surgery
  • And more…

What We Do

At Nutrition 4 Life, we provide individual care for each of our patients, no matter what their nutritional needs may be. No two people are alike and neither are their needs. Our nutritionists create realistic goals and treatment plans based on those individual needs, whether they be to lose weight, build lean body mass, decrease blood sugar or pressure, build a healthier relationship with food, improve sports performance, or just feel healthier.

Nutrition 4 Life offers a therapeutic approach, taking into account the needs of the whole person: nutritional, medical, emotional, etc. We won’t tell you exactly what to eat, but we will guide you toward healthier food choices and/or portions based on what your body is telling you. Meal plans are customized and tailored to your individual needs, including whether you are vegetarian, vegan, lactose or dairy free, gluten free, or have other food allergies or in tolerances. We encourage lifestyle changes and offer coaching and support to overcome personal challenges in order to meet your goals. We will collaborate with your treatment team to ensure you are receiving the best comprehensive care. We can also offer referrals if medical or emotional needs are discovered during treatment.

medical nutrition therapy in New York; dietary counseling in NY 10019; weight management services in NY 10038
Nutrition Counseling Services NY

At Nutrition 4 Life, you will find an atmosphere of encouragement. We will not judge, berate, belittle or reprimand you if you do not meet your goals or are not perfect. We ourselves are not perfect and do not expect you to be. We understand that making an eating change is not easy but it is worth the time and effort it takes to make you healthier. We recognize that just like life has its ups and downs, so too will your eating. We are here to support you in achieving your personalized goals.

Our Process

Step 1

Initial Appointment

Your initial appointment will be between 60 – 90 minutes. We will discuss your current eating and exercise habits, medical history and goals. Together we will formulate an eating plan that fits into your lifestyle, whether you like to cook gourmet meals or eat out every night.

Step 2

Follow-Up Appointments

Follow up appointments are 30, 45, or 60 minutes, based on your needs. At these appointments, we review your food records and evaluate the eating plan, discuss any concerns and make modifications, if necessary. We also evaluate objective markers of your progress such as: blood glucose readings for diabetics, hunger/satiety scale for emotional eaters, or tracking gastrointestinal symptoms for GI conditions, and will reassess goals if needed.

Please Note

  • Nutrition 4 Life does not endorse or provide quick weight loss diets.
  • We do not sell or endorse weight loss supplements.
  • We do not write prescriptions for weight loss.

Let Food be thy medicine and medicine thy Food. – Hippocrates